JJR Acoustics, LLC

JJR Acoustics, LLC - Specializing in providing advanced OEM acoustic systems and audio products to the worlds leading manufacturers(Est. 2011).


 PSY (X)








Audible Enhancements in a Simple Application by PSY (X)

PSY(X) recovers the clarity and widens the sound stage by removing the problems created by everyday digital audio.


JJR Acoustics has entered into a partnership with PSY(X) Research. The principals of PSY(X) Research are published contributors to the science of human auditory perception with over 40 years of experience developing technologies for every stage in the audio ecosystem: Creation, Mixing & Editing, Broadcast/Streaming, Consumption. Their technologies have been used in recording, broadcast, television, cinema, music, gaming, automotive and consumer electronics industries, and have been recognized as standards. PSY(X) Research was formed to address the digital audio market based on four core areas of proprietary innovation: Psychoacoustics, Pre-Processing, Post-Processing and Surround. PSY(X) Research produces the most advanced and reliable psychoacoustic technologies in the world today.


PSY(X) Research began their work investigating ways to improve poor hearing situations caused by hearing loss or listening fatigue. Understanding the physiology and processing of human hearing where sounds are lost or where sounds are masked by fatigue, and recovering them or unmasking them, gave PSY(X) Research the precise understanding of how to improve another poor listening situation in the modern age: digital audio.


The fully-developed suite of technologies are portable to any hardware format, and PSY(X) Research works hard to ensure that its technologies are compatible with legacy formats and in real world situations.


PSY(X) and JJR Acoustics are driven by a lifelong passion for music and improving the listening experience in every environment.


Under the agreement, JJR Acoustics and PSY(X) collaborate with OEM Automotive worldwide in the area of Audio DSP Enhancement.



MVOID Automotive









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