Inspiring sound for pure driving pleasure.
Creating authentic sound for all listeners in cars is the ultimate objective of JJR Acoustics. Every car requires a tailor-made solution. In the early design phase of a new vehicle, the optimal integration of sound systems is taken into account. For each car, the optimum number and positioning of the loudspeakers, and performance parameters, need be found in comprehensive simulations applying professional knowledge and long-term experience. All interior components have a dramatic impact on the acoustics, This is why JJR engineers are working in close collaboration with the engineers of the automobile manufacturers and their partners.
The individual loudspeaker and amplifier component designs are done together, in concert, for the best system design. The result is a system, which is finely tuned to reveal even the smallest nuance of a recorded or broadcast event. Only in this way can it be ensured for subsequent production implementation that an excellent and authentic sound is generated, which meets the highest standards.s.